INZ 1025 Sponsorship Form Explained
INZ1025 Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry - Supporting information for a visitor visa, work visa or student visa application
Document Information

What is the INZ 1025 form?
Organisations and government agencies have the option to provide sponsorship for individuals applying for the following types of visas:
- Visitor visa
- Student visa
- Work to residence visa under the category of Talent (Arts, Culture, and Sports)
- Work visa under the category of Foreign Crew of Fishing Vessels
If you are a New Zealand citizen or resident who is sponsoring a student, you are required to be either a relative or a friend of the student.
For sponsorship related to a work to residence visa under the Talent (Arts, Culture, and Sports) category, the completion of the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Sponsorship Form (INZ 1091) is mandatory.
In the case of sponsoring a work or resident visa under the Religious Worker Temporary Entry or Residence instructions, the completion of the Sponsorship Form for Religious Workers (INZ 1190) is necessary.
We can witness sponsor's statutory declaration online in a video call
Who can fill out INZ 1025 form?
A person or organisation sponsoring a temporary visa application can fill out and sign this form. To be a sponsor you must be:
- a New Zealand citizen or the holder of a New Zealand residence class visa (if you are the holder of a resident visa that is subject to conditions under section 49(1) of the Immigration Act 2009, you are not eligible to be a sponsor), or
- an organisation, including New Zealand registered companies, incorporated societies, and charitable trusts, or
- a government agency, including government departments and crown entities.
By agreeing to sponsor, you assume responsibility for the sponsored individual starting from their arrival in New Zealand until they acquire a new visa under a different sponsorship, become sponsor-less, or depart the country.
This responsibility remains, regardless of whether they hold a valid visa or are unlawfully present in New Zealand. It's important to note that sponsorship withdrawal is not possible. If you sponsor a multiple-entry visa, you are responsible each time they enter New Zealand using the sponsored visa.
Preview of INZ 1025 form
How to fill out INZ 1025 form
Unless you're sponsoring a fishing crew according to the Foreign Crew of Fishing Vessels guidelines or individuals from the same family who are applying together under a single visitor visa application, it's necessary to fill out a separate form for each applicant you are sponsoring.
If you're a New Zealand employer sponsoring a foreign crew of a fishing vessel based on a condition of an approval in principle, it's essential to enumerate all sponsored crew members in Section B: Foreign Crew of Fishing Vessel. Section A: Applicant’s details need not be completed.
After you've filled out sections A to E of the form, and if applicable, your bank has filled out Section F: Bank Confirmation, you should bring the form along with the supporting documents to an authorised individual for a statutory declaration.
Complete Section G: Declaration by Sponsor with the authorised person. Immigration lawyers, Justices of the Peace, or notaries public are qualified to administer a statutory declaration.
Once your statutory declaration has been finalised, return the form with the accompanying evidence to the applicant.