What is the INZ 1167 form?
INZ 1167 is used for the Supplementary Seasonal Employment (SSE) Approval in Principle application in New Zealand. It allows employers in the horticulture and viticulture industries to supplement their workforce with non-New Zealand citizen or residence class visa holder workers when there is a shortage of local labour. The form outlines the requirements and process for obtaining SSE Approval in Principle and recruiting workers under the SSE instructions.
Who can fill out INZ 1167 form?
INZ 1167 can be filled out by employers in the horticulture and viticulture industries in New Zealand who wish to apply for Supplementary Seasonal Employment (SSE) Approval in Principle. It is specifically designed for employers who want to supplement their workforce with non-New Zealand citizen or residence class visa holder workers during periods of labour shortage.
Preview of INZ 1167 form
How to fill out INZ 1167 form
Section A focuses on business details. Employers are required to provide their name, position in the business, and information about their legal status and the core area of their business, such as planting crops, crop maintenance, harvesting crops, or packing crops. They are also asked to indicate the type and size of crops grown by their business.
Section B covers contact details. Employers must provide their address, telephone numbers, fax, and email. They are also asked to provide the name and address for communication about the application. The section also includes questions about authorising a representative to act on their behalf and whether they have received immigration advice for the application.
Section C focuses on position details. Employers are required to provide information about the positions they are seeking SSE Approval in Principle for, including the duration of the positions, the region where the jobs are located, and a position description. They are also asked to indicate the number of positions they plan to fill using New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders, as well as non-New Zealand citizens recruited under other instructions.
Section D covers recruitment details. Employers are asked if they have contacted Work and Income to advise them of vacancies or seek assistance in recruiting workers. They are also asked to provide details about any steps taken to fill positions with New Zealand citizens and residence class visa holders. The section includes questions about previous SSE approval in principle and efforts made to recruit New Zealand workers during that period.
Section E focuses on accommodation details. Employers are required to provide information about the access to suitable accommodation for workers recruited under SSE instructions.
Section F is a declaration for Recognised Seasonal Employers (RSE). Employers who are RSEs are asked if they have contacted Work and Income and made genuine attempts to recruit New Zealand workers during previous periods of SSE approval in principle. They are also asked if the recruited workers will have access to suitable accommodation.
Section J is specifically for immigration adviser’s details. This section is to be completed by the employer’s immigration adviser, if applicable. It includes options for licensed advisers and exemptions from licensing.