What is the INZ 1188 form?
INZ 1188 is a form used for applying for a China Tourist Visitor Visa to travel to New Zealand. It is specifically designed for Chinese citizens who intend to visit New Zealand as tourists for a period of up to six months. The form collects personal information, contact details, visa type, and declarations related to health and character.
Who can fill out INZ 1188 form?
INZ 1188 can be filled out by Chinese citizens who are planning to travel to New Zealand as tourists for a period of up to six months. It can be used by individual applicants or by a joint application for a family, which may include the principal applicant, their spouse, and dependent children under the age of 20.
Preview of INZ 1188 form
How to fill out INZ 1188 form
INZ 1188 consists of several sections that need to be completed by the principal applicant and any accompanying individuals. These sections include personal details, contact information, visa type, health information, and character declarations.
In the personal details section, the applicant is required to provide their name as shown in their passport, any other names they are known by, gender, date of birth, and passport details. If the applicant is married, in a partnership, or engaged, they must also provide their partner’s personal details, including their name, gender, date of birth, and passport details.
The contact details section requires the applicant to provide their residential address and telephone number in China, as well as the name and address of a contact person for communication about the application.
The visa type section asks for the intended arrival and departure dates in New Zealand, as well as the purpose of the visit (e.g., tourism, visiting family/friends, or other).
The health section asks if the applicant or any accompanying individuals have tuberculosis or any medical condition that may require treatment during their stay in New Zealand. It also asks if the applicant or any accompanying individuals are pregnant.
The character section requires the applicant to declare if they or any accompanying individuals have been convicted of any offence, including driving offences, or if they are currently under investigation, wanted for questioning, or facing charges in any country. It also asks if they have been excluded, refused entry, or removed/deported from any country other than New Zealand.
Throughout the document, there are reminders to provide accurate and truthful information. The form also includes declarations by the applicant, including an agreement to leave New Zealand before the visa expires and an understanding that they are not entitled to free healthcare in New Zealand.