What is the INZ 1223 form?
INZ 1223 is a form used for applying for a subsequent work visa under the United Kingdom Working Holiday Scheme (WHS) in New Zealand. It is specifically designed for individuals who are already in New Zealand on a 12-month Canada or United Kingdom WHS work visa and wish to extend their stay for a further period of time, up to a maximum stay entitlement. The form outlines the necessary documents and requirements for the visa application process.
Who can fill out INZ 1223 form?
INZ 1223 can be filled out by individuals who are currently in New Zealand on a 12-month Canada or United Kingdom Working Holiday Scheme (WHS) work visa and wish to apply for a subsequent work visa. It is specifically for those who meet the eligibility criteria and requirements outlined in the form, including having the necessary documents and meeting character and health requirements.
Preview of INZ 1223 form
How to fill out INZ 1223 form
Section A provides instructions for filling out the form. It emphasises the importance of writing clearly in capital letters. It also states that two passport-size photographs must be attached, with the applicant’s full name written on the back of both photos. Additionally, it asks whether the applicant has previously been granted a work visa under the Canada or United Kingdom Working Holiday Scheme, and provides options for answering this question.
In Section B, applicants are required to provide their name as shown in their passport, including their family/last name and given/first name(s). They are also asked to provide any other names they are known by or have ever been known by. Other information requested includes gender, date of birth, town/city and country of birth, and country of citizenship. Furthermore, applicants need to provide their passport number and expiry date, as well as their residential address and contact details in their home country.
Section C asks for the name and address for communication about the application. Applicants have the option to provide the same address as their residential address or provide a different address. They are also asked to provide their contact details, including telephone numbers (daytime and evening), fax, and email address. Additionally, there is a question about authorising another person to act on their behalf and whether they have received immigration advice on the application.
Section D requires information about their travel plans in this section. They need to indicate the date they arrived in New Zealand and the approximate date they intend to depart. They are also asked to provide details about the arrangements they have made for their travel out of New Zealand.
Section E focuses on the character requirements for the visa application. Applicants are asked whether they have been convicted of any offense, including driving offenses, and whether they are currently under investigation, wanted for questioning, or facing charges for any offense in any country. They are also given the opportunity to provide full details of any charges, convictions, and penalties imposed. The section also addresses the requirement for providing police certificates and the circumstances under which they are required.
Section F asks applicants whether they have tuberculosis (TB) and whether a physician is submitting their medical and/or chest X-ray certificates on their behalf. They are also required to provide information about their health and authorise the sharing of their health information with health service agencies.
Section G requires applicants to sign a declaration stating that the information provided in the form is true and correct. They acknowledge that false or misleading information may result in the application being declined. They also agree to leave New Zealand before their visa expires and to pay for any healthcare or medical assistance they may require in New Zealand if they are not entitled to free healthcare.
Section H is to be completed by the applicant’s immigration adviser, if applicable. It asks whether the adviser is licensed or exempt from licensing under the New Zealand Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007. The adviser is required to provide their license details or indicate the reason for exemption. If the applicant does not have an immigration adviser, this section does not need to be completed.
Section I is to be completed and signed by the person who assisted the applicant in completing the form, providing immigration advice, explaining, translating, or filling in the form on their behalf. It includes a declaration stating that the information provided is true and correct. If the applicant did not receive any assistance, this section does not need to be completed.