Immigration NZ Can't Deport Despite 17 Year Prison Sentence

Michael Yoon
Principal Immigration Lawyer

Danny and Roberto Jaz, serving 17 year jail term, won't be deported from New Zealand due to residency status and limitation on timeframes. Contact Immigration Lawyer NZ for any questions.

Here's a real doozy for you. Danny and Roberto Jaz, the Christchurch brothers behind the Mama Hooch scandal, are not getting deported after their prison terms. These Australians, found guilty of rape, drugging, and stupefying over 20 women, will stay put in New Zealand once they serve their time. And this immigration news has got a lot of people riled up, and rightly so.

Last August, these two were sentenced for nearly 70 vile crimes. Seventeen years for Roberto, a bit less for Danny, and a minimum non-parole period of eight years. Now, you'd think such serious offences would have them on the next flight out, but no. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) says their crimes don’t qualify them for deportation because they happened more than a decade after getting their residence.

The Jaz brothers arrived in New Zealand in 2001 as teens. They got their resident visas and, as per the law, can't be deported for crimes committed more than ten years after getting their residency. It's a technicality, but a crucial one, leaving the victims feeling betrayed by the system.

The women who suffered at the hands of these predators were hoping for a sense of safety, a bit of peace, knowing the brothers would be sent back to Australia. It is is a gut punch for the victims. They’ll now have to live with the fear of running into their attackers once they’re out. These women deserve to feel safe, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

The irony? While we can't boot out two heinous criminals because of a technicality, thousands of Kiwis have been deported from Australia for far less. This isn’t just about legal loopholes; it’s about justice, safety, and ensuring that victims aren't left to suffer twice.

And that's the immigration news today, follow and subscribe for more immigration related news in New Zealand. Ka Kite Ano.

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Last modified on 13 June 2024 by
Michael Yoon
Principal Immigration Lawyer
Michael has been working as a lawyer in New Zealand since 2006. Over the years, he has successfully helped thousands of clients to get their desired outcome. Clients find Michael knowledgeable, approachable and professional — a trusted expert.
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